Jennifer Garner on Motherhood

What Jennifer Garner Really Thinks of Motherhood

I don't know about you but I just love Jennifer Garner and it all started with 13 Going On 30. I admit, when it came out, I...
The crazy easy and cheap solution to streaming movies.

How to Stream a Movie for $1

Maybe you're too young to remember this, but back in the day there were these stores called video stores. A few select companies had them and you...

10 Lessons Parents Need to Learn from “Finding Dory”

"Finding Dory" was released and the kids went crazy to see it. The excitement spread all the way to the adults and when I watched it, I...

Which Disney character said these inspiring, life-changing quotes?

Disney characters produce some of the best lessons and turns out, some inspiring quotes. These quotes are life-changing and can be used in many aspects of life. Read...
Hulu ending its free subscription service

Hulu is No Longer Free

There I was, last night, minding my own business, doing a little binge watching of some shows I've missed on Hulu. It all went smoothly. I woke up...
Instagram Recreated

What Mom Never Told You About Recreating Instagram Photos

Celeste Barber is an Australian comedian who, unless you are a model, you can probably relate to. I check Instagram multiple times throughout the day to see new updates...

5 Drama Netflix Series You Should Not Miss

"Binge Watching" may be a joke to some, but to most of us with a Netflix account, it is a real thing that we're fighting on a...

How To Delete Irrelevant Facebook Ads

Okay mamas. We've all been there. Late night feedings, sitting through hours of practices, waiting in the carpool lane, or locked in the bathroom for a break...

Parent Social Media Safety

Social media is a great thing. It allows family members that otherwise may not be a big part of your child's life ‘watch’ them grow up.   Sharing little...

30 Disney Quotes That Will Change Your Life

When life gets you down, when you're not sure what to do next, turn to Disney. Read these Disney quotes that will change your life. And if you...