How well do you know famous US landmarks?
How well do you know famous US landmarks? We've seen them all before but how well do you actually know the names of these landmarks?
Understanding Introverted Extroverts in 19 Easy Steps
If you're an extroverted introvert like I am, well, I feel slightly bad for you. I understand you completely and I get that life can be a...
What Every Mom Needs to Know About Walmart Grocery
Walmart is making grocery shopping better for all of us with a faster and easier shopping option. Walmart is slowly rolling out the service across the nation but...
10 Lessons Parents Need to Learn from “Finding Dory”
"Finding Dory" was released and the kids went crazy to see it. The excitement spread all the way to the adults and when I watched it, I...
5 Unique French Foods You’ve Never Heard Of
Okay, well, maybe if you're French or you love French food (that's not counting French fries), you've probably heard of these. But for the rest of us,...
12 Profound Quotes that Apply to an Overflowing Toilet
We've all been there. We went to the restroom and now we're dealing with a toilet that is overflowing.
Instead of being embarrassed next time, just laugh it...
13 Must-Knows Before Dating a Porn Addict
Pornography addiction is not a guy/girl issue. It’s a human issue. The dangers of pornography use are very real, even being declared a public health...
26 Things Parents Thought They’d Never Say
Remember the days before before becoming a parent? It was going to be perfect, right? We were going to do everything perfectly, we were going to say...
What Not To Do At A Movie With Kids
After years of throwing extravagant birthday parties for the kids (and by "extravagant," I mean just regular birthday parties that are normal for most but completely over-the-top...
What a Raped & Kidnapped Girl Has to Say About Pornography
At age 14, Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped from her bedroom and kept for 9 months. She was raped frequently but was lucky enough to be found. Elizabeth...
17 Things to Think About in the Shower
I don't know about you but the shower is the only time I have during the day to really think to myself without many distractions. It's taken...
A Sign Only Seen in Utah
Utah is known for its conservative views and its high population of Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). Devout Mormons do not typically swear so...
Online Bullying: Just Stop It
This post is totally personal and only because I'm completely sick of mean people.
I think in general, I try to live my life in such a way...
13 Surprising Ways UDOT Signs are More Refreshing than New Socks
UDOT (Utah Department of Transportation) has come up with a new way to (well, new as in quite a while ago) to remind the drivers to drive...
21 Reasons Your Kid Might Be Crying
Kids have tough lives. It's a hard life to get up in the morning and have everyone take care of your needs. And that's why we understand...
Want to Cry Today? Child, Slow Down.
I think every mom has no idea what they're getting themselves into until they actually become mothers.
Of course there's days where mama just wants to get to...
30 Disney Quotes That Will Change Your Life
When life gets you down, when you're not sure what to do next, turn to Disney. Read these Disney quotes that will change your life.
And if you...
Simone Biles: A Lesson that a Child Can Be Whatever They Wish to Become
I went to the gym tonight to regroup before the weekend and was disappointed to see only Trump on 3 of the 4 screens in the cardio...
Anyone Can Do Something For Someone Else
I admit. I have some sort of attitude that can get me in trouble every now and then.
I grew up as an only child and although my...
What All Moms Should Do
When you're pregnant for the first time and you have questions, you never ask about what it's like to be in the hospital after giving birth. I...